NOAH :::
just finished drivers ed. holy moly.He has been practicing behind the wheel with David and plans on getting his permit in May. His birthday is in 10 days and the thought of him turning 15 seriously blows my mind. He is wrapping up the school year with pretty good grades and has registered for his sophomore classes. He has a girlfriend who we have not yet met but we hope to soon and a really great group of friends. All in all, first year of high school seems to have gone quite well ~
all is well with Gita. She is totally happy at school and always finds ways to entertain herself at home. There was a note from the school on her last report card stating that parents should attend at least two parent teacher conferences during the year. We went ahead and scheduled that, thinking this would be a better time than at the end of the school year. When David arrived at the conference, Gita's teacher looked at him with a "well, what's up? why did you request a conference?" look on her face. David told her that we did not have any concerns, we were just following the recommendation from her report card. Her teacher wrapped up in about 50 seconds: Gita is right where she needs to be academically, she is a wonderful student, so kind to others. End of story. Yay Gita! Here she is with a bowl she made in art class and has quickly become the only bowl she will eat out of.
is turning into a young woman. She decided at the beginning of the year that this summer she wants to take a trip to Chicago to visit Gramps, all by herself. She has been saving money ever since. She has a regular Monday afternoon baby sitting gig for two of our little neighbors. So grown up! She will be moving onto the middle school next year and feels a little nervous but mostly excited about it. We went to an orientation last night to meet the 6th grade teachers and hear about what will be different for the students. She has been writing a short story for a contest being held at the library ~ it is coming along quite nicely and it is really sweet to see her take the initiative. She is still a wonderful help in the garden, especially planting seeds, but also in the more tedious tasks such as weeding. And she is always willing to jump in and help keep an eye on her cousins and all the little neighbors who come around.