Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday, Gita!

whew ~ what a birthday!
On Friday, we brought cupcakes to school to share with Gita's class. It was also Characters Alive day (kids presented a project based on a book they had read and came to school dressed as the main character), which was a very fun day to visit! 

Gita woke us up at 7:00am on Saturday morning so she could start opening her presents and making breakfast (she requested bacon (that's my gal)). 

And then we packed up our warm clothes and picnic blankets, and headed down to Black Mountain for the Lake Eden Arts Festival where we met up with friends, ate festival food, watched the parade, saw some music, and waited for over an hour for the fireshow (something Gita has been asking for for months) to start, only to have Gita fall fast asleep 15 minutes before it began!

All in all, a very happy happy birthday celebration, on a beautiful autumn day, to celebrate the most wonderful 8 year old girl!