Saturday, January 15, 2011

kicking off the new year

news from the Carmona household:

1. we went to Utah to visit family for the holidays. We had a wonderful time (thanks everyone!). The "exclamation point" at the end of the trip (and the beginning of 2011) was the unanticipated arrival of the chicken pox for Gita and Nimuae. So we spent the last few days of the vacation soaking in oatmeal.

2. a few days after arriving home (on the tail end of chicken pox) we were hit with a huge winter storm. It snowed and snowed ~ luckily the power stayed on. Noah's school was closed Monday - Thursday, with a 3 hour delay on Friday, and we could not make it off the mountain for any of the girls' classes. So, we enjoyed many snowy walks, lots of sledding, and warm meals in front of the roaring wood stove.

3. a few days into the snowy week, Noah came down with the chicken pox. We are all relieved that he finally got them and feel awful that it didn't happen until he was 13. He is being a trooper and keeping as positive as possible, but he feels (and looks) miserable (as you can gather from the photo above).

4. but through all the illness and intense weather, we are a family that is happy to be snug in our home, grateful for all our blessings, and loving the sweet family time that comes with sickness and snow.

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