Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Noah's birthday wishes

When we asked what Noah wanted to do for his birthday (14 !!!), it came as no surprise to us that it involved skating. So David planned to pick him and 3 friends up after school for an afternoon of doing just that. They started by shopping at the local skate shop, using the gift certificates we gave him that morning, then on to the skate park. When thy were all tuckered out (I am sure there is a cooler way to say that....) they went for dinner and games at the Asheville Arcade.

Although I did not get to see him until they returned home at 10:00 that night, he says he had an awesome birthday. And, being the sweet kid he is, he agreed to let the neighbors sing happy birthday to him over some root beer floats at our neighbors mother's day bbq. I just had to get a little birthday action in there somehow ~

(noah's wearing the green shirt)


Anonymous said...

Awesome and happy birthday to him!! Miss you all.
Love, Helena

rachel said...

OMG!!! I can't believe he's 14!!!! ay ay ay! To me he will forever be the 3 yr old with the best line ever: "(insert name)'re so beautiful and great!" Tim and I can still use that one on eachother ;)