Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chicago trip ~ post 1

Carmona kids all dressed up (snappy casual) for the breakfast
We returned home on Sunday after a week trip to Illinois (Elmhurst  & Chicago). The first half was spent in the suburbs with David's entire family, gathering to honor the life of David's Nana (Grace McDermand) who passed away a few weeks ago. We spent the second half of the week in the hustle and bustle of the big city. I took tons of pictures and many people asked me to post them here. So, as to not overwhelm myself (or others) I will try to post some of the photos every day for the next few days.

These first pics are from a wonderful breakfast held in Nana's honor at the Wilder Mansion, a beautiful old home that was the library when David was a kid. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast while the family shared stories, laughs, and tears.

kazoo rendition of Amazing Grace 

David with cousin Sarah Jane and step dad Randy

Nimmy and cousin Seo

Davids uncle David James on the piano

Nimmy with her grandma, NeNe

David's mama, NeNe, with her McDermand brothers. What a bunch of goofballs.

all the McDermand cousins

Noah with his Uncle Mike and his lovely girl, Jen

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