Tuesday, June 5, 2012

stepping up

School's out!
Oh my goodness, we are so excited. A few months of not waking up at 5:30, or making lunches before eating breakfast (or having coffee), rushing out the door at 6:20 to get the kids to the bus stop. A few months of afternoons at the pool, later bedtime, and so much more time with each other.

We are so proud of all the kids for finishing this school year strong, with good grades and super reports from their teachers. 

But this is a very special moment for Nim, who says good-bye to her elementary school (hello, middle school). And what a way to finish it off :: 
at her ceremony last week, she received awards for AB Honor Roll, Citizenship, perfect attendance, and (what she is most proud of) a Presidential Academic  award. The ceremony was very moving and we got a kick out of watching Nimuae climb onto the stage 4 different times to receive  her awards. We are so grateful for this wonderful school in this amazing mountain community.

Nim, second to the left back row, with the other recipients of the Presidential Academic award

Nim with her first ever public school teacher, Mr O'Shea, who gets the award for "most strict" and "loudest" in the school...but leave it to our Nim to find his soft spot.

1 comment:

Kiesa said...

CONGRATULATIONS on Stepping Up, Nim! I am so proud of you and so glad to read about your awards. You look happy, too. Sending good wishes to all your family and big congratulations to YOU.