Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Homestead; Earthday 2008

I will now be playing the part of the DJ. I have a request for more photos of the homestead.

So, this goes out to those of you who care enough to ask and to those of you who may not really care but are curious about the strange ways of your back woods family....

Looking up past the gardens to the 2 houses (which are getting plaster this summer!)

Alex and the great day of building the grey water system(alternative to a septic system or city sewars)

Garden beds, mostly not planted yet....notice, no weeds!

Looking in between the 2 houses...up towards fire wood and the old barn...

Now looking down past the two houses towards the garden and the trampoline and our road

ye old homestead doggie, Atticus the bold

another shot in the garden looking towards our driveway

1 comment:

Tim said...

This is great! It is good to be able to see what your place is like. It looks awesome!