Friday, August 5, 2011

a summery week

The summer groove really has a hold on us. How is it possible that we are less than two weeks away from the first day of school? The heat has been intense, but with that heat comes afternoons spent at the pool, very welcome afternoon rain showers, and lots of popsicles eaten. 

and this amazing double rainbow stretching across the sky:

We've had a great week of kid camps and classes:

And we finally got around to visiting our dear friends Carmen & Galen who recently started a chicken farming operation, Which Came First Farms (isn't that a sweet name?). They are raising meat birds and selling their product at the local tailgate markets and to some restaurants. They're also raising hens for eggs. We discovered a week or so ago that 5 of our hens are not actually hens. Bummer. We decided to keep one rooster and send the rest over to Carmen & Galen. And there is nothing like taking care of a chore and getting to visit/share a meal with friends all in one go.

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