Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Springing into spring

Atticus and David on top of Stone Mt

Easter has come and gone with a magical visit from the East Bunny, a forest egg hunt, and a wonderful dinner with neighbors. Easter sure did come early this year! I heard something crazy about it being the earliest it's fallen in a century or something..hmmmm....what is blog etiquette? Is someone checking facts? Well, it was really early! We do have some hints of spring around....blooming daffodils, violet, life root. Chickweed, self heal, and trillium popping up. It's hard for me to say goodbye to winter (my favorite season) but spring offers it's beauty and it';s hard to resist.
Gita and best friend forever, Willow

We dyed Eater eggs (and fingers, and a bit of the counter) while David and Alex took an impromptu trip to Asheville for an "emergency" basketball hoop. I am not sure when the sudden realization that one does not have a basketball hoop becomes an emergency, but whatever. I think the arrival of the letter from the IRS about the Economic Stimulus Package made us feel like we may have a little money to spare (not a common feeling for us, but a welcome one!) Really, I didn't mind being home alone with three kids and massive amounts of eggs and food coloring. So now we can play a little gravel ball whenever the desire comes.....ahhh, the sweet life. at the end of the rainbow

We have also been working hard creating raised beds in our terraced veggie garden. Kelcey and I attended the Organic Growers School which inspired us in many ways, namely in moving towards raised beds. So we have been busy digging, building, amending, covering......and soon, planting. We also built an awesome cold frame so we can start some seedlings without donating our windowsills to the purpose.

Amidst all this excitement, I must remember to take care of some other not-so-fun taks: file my state taxes, figure out if we can get garbage pickup on our rural road, find plane tickets to Maine, and continue trying to expose the kids to chickenpox so we don't have to vaccinate.

happy beginning of spring!

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