Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

A beautiful, sunny day to honor and celebrate the fathers in our lives. We began with (well, we actually the day began with milking the goats, but that does not seem as celebratory as the rest of the events) a delicious batch of Puffy Pancake topped with maple syrup that Alex and Kelcey picked up at a farm on their recent trip to New Hampshire. Noah, Nim, and I made up a song for David which Noah recorded on his mp3 player he bought with his birthday money. David loved might make it to the top 40 one day! In addition to the gift of a homemade song, we also gave David software to turn our new computer into a music mixing and recording studio! So now he is scheming about how he can turn the bath house into his music lair.

We spent the rest of the morning in the garden with the Loomers, the potato beetles, and the sun. We got a whole lot done including finishing the cucumber frame, weeding, mulching potatoes, weeding, cutting down the buckwheat cover crop to dose the soil the nitrogen, and
more weeding. The morning was blessed with frequent trip to the berries for some tasty snacks!

This afternoon, we all received one of the best presents of lovely niece Lilikoi started
crawling! She has been on the verge of it for awhile now, but was apparently holding out for just the right moment. And we got it on video.....

I called my dad around lunchtime to wish him a Happy Father's Day, but turns out he is in Rome, poor guy. So, hopefully you'll read this, Dad, and know I was thinking about you today....Happy Father's Day! love you!

We also had a bunch of kids around here today, which kept the house humming. The kids mostly enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine, but we did have a lego session upstairs. I was busy checking out the photos online of the floods in the midwest, but luckily, Nim took some photographs of the
final products.

For dinner we pulled together a little neighborhood gathering involving the grill. We enjoyed a big salad from the garden along with other side dishes, and also the company of good friends and margaritas. And a batch of freshly baked chocolate -fathers day - chip cookies topped it off.

And yet another thing to be thankful for......our trip to Maine to meet up with the family begins in 3 days!

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