Sunday, August 31, 2008

Kitchen Obsession

I have recently had two experiences that have deepened my love for cooking and eating.

~The first was triggered by reading a few books. My dad had given my Micheal Pollan's Omnivore's Dilema a few years back. I devoured it.....wishing the whole time that I was part of a book club reading the book because I just had to talk about it. This summer I enjoyed his Botany and Desire and In Defense of Food. Coupled with Barbara Kingslover's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, another moving reading experience, I found myself even more driven to grow more food, meet more farmers, preserve more season fresh foods, and enjoy the eating experience with even more gratitude and joy than ever before.

~The second experience also stemmed from reading, but in this case, finding and mildly obsessing over a food blog Smitten Kitchen. Like a teenager who posts magazine photos of her favorite hunky tv star all over her walls, I am in a state of infatuation. Seriously, words cannot describe the anticipation and eagerness with which I sit in front of my computer and type the url into my browser with hopes that she has posted a new recipe/photos/story.

There is this sort of cosmic connection with this glorious blog and myself. Case in point; we came home from blueberry picking with gallons of berries and a birthday party to attend. I looked at my Smitten Kitchen... taa daa... a divine recipe for blueberry bars! And let me tell you, people who enjoyed my bars at the party asked, "Did Alex make these?" Now, my brother in law, Alex, is the neighborhood baked goods guru, so what a compliment to me! Weeks later we were overflowing with roma tomotoes, check out old trusty Smitten Kitchen, and what do you know...a recipe for roasted tomatoes. And were those ever delicious! Other highlights have included the perfect mohito for the perfect summer day and the most moist zuchinni bread ever baked.

So last night I experienced yet another cosmic blog phenomenon. I had been heard complaining that in order to make my sweet iced coffee (I prefer iced over hot any day of the year...what does that say about my personality? Am I the ice queen?) I had to turn the stove on to boil water. Now that just seemed wrong to me. So, as you have probably guessed by now, as I was browsing around on the internet last night (after a sniffling and tear filled viewing of the speeches from the National Democratic Convention), I found that Smitten Kitchen, in line with my cosmic blog expectations, had posted a recipe for Cold Water Infused Iced Coffee. Praises to the powers that be and a huge hallelujah! I am in heaven! It is simply the best way I have ever had coffee. It is like she reads my mind, hears my desires, and delivers like Santa Claus.

Her recipes use ingredients that I have on hand and that I love. Her stories inspire me straight into my beloved kitchen. Her photos capture the beauty of food. I am in love. Now if I can only find a way to keep my computer safe while it sits on the kitchen counter in the midst of measuring cups, mixing bowls, oils and vinegars, fruits and veggies.


Blalock Family said...
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Blalock Family said...

Oh my goodness! Fin just sent me a link to you guys' blog and now we're super-duper in love with your family!!! I'm so inspired! Chris can't stop talking about what "good vibes" he got from your whole clan and I can't stop thinking about how great it would be to live near such wonderful people. I know our kids would thank us! I suppose we'll be trying to get our ducks in a row so we too can finally start building the homestead of our dreams...