Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Family Ties

Although North Carolina is our chosen home, I still feel so attached to Utah. Born and raised in Salt Lake City, I am truly a Utahn at heart, the mountains and the dry air are in my blood, in my bones. David and I fell in love with each other in Utah so not only are my roots there, but also the roots and beginnings of our marriage and family. Visiting is bittersweet, luckily much more sweet than bitter. Sweet because we love all of these wonderful people, bitter because we know we have to say goodbye when our vacation is over. I tried to include photos of everyone but somehow managed to leave Utah without a single photo of my mom, John, any of my aunts, uncles, and cousins, Maria, Marci, Bryn, the Hanson family...and probably countless others. So here is a shout-out to all you wonderful people who we call family, whether in blood or spirit. We miss you when we are apart and love you always!New Years Eve
Eliza, Katie, David, me, Kurt, Alec, Holly

Me with my two Bird nephews; Nathan and Austin

Gita and cousin Nathan in the "helcalopter" at the childrens museum

super-friends Andrew, David, Kurt, and myself

growing girls, Nimuae and Maia Dae

David, Gita, and Kurt

Nimuae with Uncle Andrew

Linda and my Dad

Noah with Great-Grandma Bosen

Gita and the Bosen (now Carmona and Bird) Sisters


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! great photos!!!
Miss y'all!