Sunday, January 25, 2009

The way things are (at least for now)

As stable as things feel in this moment, I know there is a bunch of change on the horizon. And the change I refer to is not related to our new president, (although I am excited and optimistic about that change) but change within our cozy little lives. There is one large potential change a-coming in our work lives, specifically with David's window cleaning, but it is still so up in the air, so I won't go in to much detail here. But I will highlight some of the others...

1. Nimuae will be 7 years old for only 4 more days! We will celebrate her birthday on Thursday 1/29 with a dance party and chocolate cake. Some things that our on our soon-to-be 8-year-old's birthday list; a watch, glitter glue, red sparkly shoes, easy reader books, and a jean skirt.

2. More goat babies in our future! Windy (in the middle) is due to kid on February 12th, Sparrow (below) is due a few weeks after. We plan on bottle-feeding Windy's babies because her previous owners warned us that she refused to nurse her first babies. So we are preparing ourselves for the birth and the bottle feeding. We also hope that by bottle-feeding, we will have some kids that our girls can show in the local farm show.

3. Alex, Kelcey, and Lilikoi are half-way through their 4-6 week long stay in NH! They have been gone for 3 weeks and plan on returning in time for Windy's due date. We miss them terribly, as do their kitties and houseplants. Here is Salome doing her best sad face.

4. The back (North side) of our house looks like this now. But by spring, we will begin work on a 2 story addition, yoga and music room on the ground floor and kids rooms above. The upstairs is currently the girls room and after the girls get their new rooms, that space will become our homeschool room!


Sweet Mess said...

OMG (and that is Oh my Gosh!) There is so much to change!!! Goaty babies! Nim's b-day we are very sad to not attend :(
and all the rest well~ we MISS you too!!! and we miss the cats :(
I am excited to see all the change written down~ it looks impressive!
again, MISS YA"LL!

Linda said...

Ahhh Emma
I can imagine how much you miss KK and Alex and little Lili... as much as you miss them, I'm loving having them here! Lili is such a ham and keeps me feeling like I'm about to bust cuz she's so cute. Can we keep them just a few more weeks??????