Thursday, January 14, 2010

Baby hunger?

It is amazing how many new little babies have entered our little world recently...and many more will be coming soon (this little fleece cutie is my current favorite hand made baby gift. I can whip one out in no time at all and it is adorable!). I do love to hold the little ones, make food for the mamas, and watch these families grow, although I feel a tiny stab of baby hunger everytime. I mostly feel very settled with our current plan to be done having babies but it does seem that so many people our age are just starting their families now. I guess having Noah at 19 gave me quite the head start on family making. So as many of my friends are entering that super sweet sleep deprived new baby phase, we are gearing up for teenagers (heaven help us!). Having 3 elementary age kids = no diapers or middle of the night feedings, relatively easy traveling, help with chores, and finally planning a trip to disneyworld ! So I will do my best to be grateful for loving on those little babies when I can and then be thankful to hand them back to their mamas.

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