Wednesday, January 20, 2010

for the love of animals

Nimmy had her dear friend sleep over a few nights ago. I listened into their conversation in the car at the point in which the topic transitioned from littlest pet shop to the impact of their real pets on their lives. Some of the magical tidbits that came from the little young ladies were:

"My live like totally changed when I got my cat."
"I feel like a whole different person when I am around my animals."
"Sometimes I feel like my cat is the only one in the world who really understands me."
"I can really trust my animals."
"Yeah, because they will never tell your secrets."

1 comment:

Katie Amundsen said...

Um HELLO?? That is perhaps the cutest little conversation that I've ever read! How adorable! But very insightful and true. I oftentimes feel like my pup is the only one who truly loves me unconditionally for all that I am. :)